Wednesday, December 24, 2008

There is Sunshine in My Soul!

` 9:03 a.m.  The sun just streaked out from behind the Slate Canyon mountains.  Oh, Happy Day!  I have missed you my friend!  As we open a chapter of Christmas 2008, there is no better way to welcome Christmas Eve Day than to bask in the warmth and happiness of LIGHT!
I hope that our family will welcome room for "The Son" in our hearts and home as the sun so welcomed me on this BEAUTIFUL new day!
White - reflects light.  I noticed this over and over as we have been digging out of all the snow that has fallen on our neighborhood.  White represents purity.  My hope is that I will be pure enough to reflect the light I  have with others.  
Ice cycles are natures chandeliers.  They absorb and refract light allowing it to dance around in sparkling splendor.  
Evergreens laden with snow are natures ornaments.  
These are Heavenly Father's Christmas gifts to me this splendid day!  
Merry Christmas everyone!

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