Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ring Out Wild Bells!

Happy New Year Everyone!
     Our family will be attending our Tongan Ward dance in a few minutes.  It is a tradition to gather as families and welcome in the new year with music and dance.  
2008 has been a good year in our family!
My favorite happening had to be Fotu's 12th birthday.  It was the day he received the priesthood in the early morn at the farm.  This was one year and a few days after the death of Grandpa Fotu.  Then we went to the St. George Temple and Fotu was baptized for Grandpa Fotu.  Grandpa Robert Everett, Uncle Robbie, and Cousin Taylor were there to witness and help with the confirmation.  What a special day for our family!  I was baptized for Grandma Faumotu and Great Grandma.
Sione was promised in his patriarchal blessing that he would someday baptize his parents.  He wondered how that promise would be fulfilled in this lifetime.  He now realizes that it was a promise that would be fulfilled in his lifetime, but would be part of the next life for his mother and father.  Now it is their choice to accept the work provided for them.
     I am thankful for the wonderful companions that my youngest sisters found this year.  Misha found Joe and Ida found John.  We wish them the very best in their futures.  (Misha just let us know on Christmas day that she is expecting a new babe in the summer.  Congratulations!)
I've been very touched by the new lives added to our family this year.  Robbie and Kathy have an adorable new baby girl names Madison.  She is affectionately known as Phuzzy (on account of her sprouting hair.)  She is native Alaskan and was sealed to Robbie and Kathy in the St. George Temple in May.  What a tender place she will always have in our hearts!  
Rachel and Kody welcomed a beautiful baby daughter Kinley on Thanksgiving Eve.  We have a great deal to be thankful for!
2009 - Doesn't that sound weird?
     Fotu just informed me today that he must be getting old.  When I asked him why he thought this, he said, "Well, when I was little each day seemed like a year.  Now, each year seems like a day!"  I didn't know that sensation came at the ripe old age of 12!  I KNOW all about that sensation of TIME travel, but I thought it came later in life!  
     Our wish for each family and friend we know and love is that this year can be one where we find the best in every experience, look for the LOVE that so readily surrounds us, share our talents with those around us, and count our many, many blessings.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

There is Sunshine in My Soul!

` 9:03 a.m.  The sun just streaked out from behind the Slate Canyon mountains.  Oh, Happy Day!  I have missed you my friend!  As we open a chapter of Christmas 2008, there is no better way to welcome Christmas Eve Day than to bask in the warmth and happiness of LIGHT!
I hope that our family will welcome room for "The Son" in our hearts and home as the sun so welcomed me on this BEAUTIFUL new day!
White - reflects light.  I noticed this over and over as we have been digging out of all the snow that has fallen on our neighborhood.  White represents purity.  My hope is that I will be pure enough to reflect the light I  have with others.  
Ice cycles are natures chandeliers.  They absorb and refract light allowing it to dance around in sparkling splendor.  
Evergreens laden with snow are natures ornaments.  
These are Heavenly Father's Christmas gifts to me this splendid day!  
Merry Christmas everyone!

Happy Birthday!

A time honored tradition in our family since I was a young girl is to gather each December 23rd and have a special evening together.  It is to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  This has become one of my most favorite holiday traditions!  Fun.  Memorable.  Spiritual. 
First, we invite a family to share the occasion with us and give them the invitation to begin doing something like this in their own home.  When they arrive at our home we have a frontier meal using a karosine lantern for light.  Our meal last evening was beef stew with cornbread and or homemade rolls.  We had milk or water to drink.  Simple.  Tasty.  Filling.    
Next we gather in a circle and sing a hymn about the restoration and have an opening prayer.  Then each person tells some facts or a story about the Prophet's life.  I have come to notice and realize in my own life and experiences that there is NEVER a time when testimony is shared about the Prophet Joseph that the spirit does not abound in great abundance!  Watch this for yourself!  Truth.  Inspiring.  Wonderful.  
Kalina told how Joseph loved to play sports and would often stop to play with a group of boys playing baseball.  When it was his turn to bat, he would hit the ball so far that they would tease, "We'll just be getting our supper while you find the ball!"  She also reminded us of the group of teenage boys that were at the end of their game and tired from playing ball.  The prophet invited them to join him in building a house for a widow.  The happily went off to work WITH him.  
Maia told how he translated the gold plates into The Book of Mormon.
Fotu told a story about Porter Rockwell.  He was fishing down by a steam and some older boys came by on horseback and took his fishing pole.  It started a tuffle.  The Prophet (still a boy, but a little older than Porter) helped work out the entire situation by having Porter side with him and win the fishing pole back by doing a stick pull.  The prophet didn't often loose at that!
Kiki gave us facts about his life.  He accomplished so many things in such a short life!
Bro. Roos said that Joseph is proof that the heavens are open.  That Heavenly Father knows each of us.  That He is our Father and loves us.  He told us how he loved that Joseph had the courage to followed through and DO what was expected of him, although he wasn't perfect!  
Sis. Roos told us that three in the room were going on 14 soon.  She reminded us that Joseph was seeking truth on his OWN.  She commented about the great faith it took to put the scripture in James to the test.  After all, she has worked with the youth for a while and wondered how many use prayer as a source to obtain answers!
Tia Mariana told the facts about the last days and moments in Carthage.  We know the event was horrific!  We know the Prophet had knowledge of the outcome.  We know the Lord spared the life of John Taylor when the bullet struck his pocket watch and he lived to become a future prophet.  
Litia told about the children in our family history living in Nauvoo.  The older brother called his little sister a "little fool," and pushed her in the mud.  The prophet came by, helped her up, got her cleaned off, and sat her on his horse.  Then he said, "Missy, you're not a little fool are you?"  
I spoke of Emma.  I am reminded that we are never to be her judge.  We talked about her education, her help, her willingness to do what was required, her hardships.  We talked of the children Emma and Joseph had together and how many of them didn't make it in this life.  We are so thankful for the knowledge that they will get to raise those dear children in the next life.
Sione is the height and weight of the Prophet.  He was no little man!  He used his muscle and brain power on many occasions to keep the plates safe.  Sione also reminded us that the plates were never given to Joseph until he brought the right person with him.  That person ended up being Emma.  He also reminded us that heaven expected Joseph's very best in taking care of the sacred manuscript, however, when the occasion was too unsafe, at times an angel would come and retrieve the record, and return it when things were better. 
To complete the evening, we have a stick pulling contest, a leg wrestling competition, arm wrestling competition and then eat cake and ice cream.  Since we have broken too many brooms over the years, we now have a very thick stick saved just for this occasion.  
It is so nice to stop the hustle and bustle of the season and do something that reminds us of things that matter most!
Happy 203 Bro. Joseph!  We are thankful to you!  We honor the life you lead!  Thanks for being willing to do what it took to be the prophet of the restoration! 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

KALINA has . . .

Oh, how wonderful that every single person has their specific place in a family!  Oh, how wonderful that Heavenly Father created each one of us uniquely different and special.  

Kalina has . . .KINDNESS!
Friendships forever!
Endearing Relationships
A never ending capacity to LOVE!
An intense need to say, "Good bye and I love you!"
Love for the FARM!
Need for Grandma and Grandpa
Closeness to cousins
Spiritual understanding
A Gorgeous Voice
Lots of Love
Hard work willingness
Delight in helping
Perfect handwriting
Detailed artwork
Perfected Play
Gorgeous giggles
Tight dark never ending curls
Desire to sleep long hours
Athletic ability
Story Telling Talent
Intense desire to live life fully no matter what she's doing
Daddy for a "Best Friend!"  (Since Kalina was born, our dad has been the stay at home care giver.  Kalina has very rarely had anyone outside her family tend her.  She has been her father's little shadow.)

Thanks for coming to our family!
Thanks for being such a great helper and gentle spirit!
Thanks for your inner beauty!
We love you!
You are our Treasure!

LITIA has . . .

In the time honored tradition of the past few writings, I would like to write about Litia, our oldest daughter and # 2 child in the family.

Litia has . . . been named for a Great Grandmother on both mom and dad's side of the family! (Litia means Lydia)
virtuoso violin technique
Polynesian grace 
"A Little Fat Nose!"  (When Litia had just begun to talk she called her dad, "Big Fat Nose!"  Without a second's breath, he called back, "Come on, Little Fat Nose!"  Oh, the terms of endearment around our house!  What can you say?  A polynesian nose is indeed - at least a little wide!)
glorious rhythm
grit and stick-with-it-ness while playing sports against boys
winning will-power
competitive charm 
quick minded thinking
soft - smooth skin
extremely long elegant ebony hair
deep dark gorgeous eyes
asthma altered breathing
outsmarting whit
scriptural understanding
new situation shyness
retelling dramatics
tenderness when tending
bookworm wonder
athletic physique
angelic vocals
famous friends
skiing desire
cuisine creations
basketball brilliance
tetherball talent
sensational soccer moves

Thanks for coming to our home!
Thanks for being willing to be the big sister!
Thanks for your love!
We love you!
You are our treasure!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let It Snow!

That's what we hear on the radio today!  A hard, cold, winter storm is headed this direction ready to leave a powerful punch!  (Even in the valley!)  These are not endearing words in my jargon!  Provo, city of my birth, is NOT the city of my heart during winter months!  I'll leave that to St. George; where I was raised.  Indeed the place where the summer sun spends the winter!
Fotu's got it all right!  He determined the first year we moved back here to Provo that Heavenly Father should place a little grid up in the sky and allow the snow to fall in all the beautiful and fun places, but withhold it from all the sidewalks and roads where it just causes TROUBLE! Now wouldn't that be splendid!  I'd go for that, and then maybe I'd appreciate it just a little more!  
One more strike against SNOW should be completely explained in the following phrase - I am a FIRST GRADE TEACHER!  Any First Grade Teacher KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!  During the winter you have a few extra worries.  Is the day too cold to be outside?  Is the air quality too poor to be outside?  Is the snow falling tooooo wet for 6 year olds to be outside?  How many days has it been since we've been able to go outside?  (Do you see a pattern here?)  OK, so if it is determined that all is well, and the kids will have a chance to release their stir craziness - THEN you get to HELP bundle everyone up so they can even go outside!  (Plan on beginning at least 10 minutes before recess should begin, so that recess is NOT ENTIRELY OVER before some of the children even get a chance to go out!)  This is an all out attempt at patience!  (You should try it sometime.)  There are usually no less than five voices calling out at the same time, "Mrs. can you just zip my coat up?" "Mrs. I need help with my gloves!  This finger isn't working!"  (An A+ shout-out from Early Childhood teachers to the person who invented mittens!)  "Mrs. where are my boots?"  "Mrs. oh, no!  I just went bathroom in my pants!"  (And on and on!)  
Yet, Snow is one of those - pleasures of childhood!  Kids LOVE snow!  What child doesn't thrill at and thoroughly enjoy snow?  Fotu, Litia, & Kalina bundle up, whoop, holler, angel mold, slide, slip, and drag until they are cold and wet.  Then it's inside for taco soup and hot chocolate. 
I guess it would have helped - had I GROWN UP in the snow.  It must have to grow on you!   Snow is also one of those - romantic novelties.  Young love and snow seem to always go hand in hand!  
Childhood, young love, both places in life when TIME seems to stand still and there is NO need or even desire to have to get anywhere on TIME!  So, I guess snow FITS there!
     Yep!  Snow and Christmas kind of go hand in hand!  Sidekicks!  I'll admit that Christmas lights in the snow luster with a profound magic!  There is more patience for the powdery stuff EVEN IN MY HEART on that special day of love and good will.  I don't mind sitting in a nice warm home looking out a picture window at the beautiful flakes falling softly, fluffily down - as long as I have a great book to read, am listening to wonderful music, have a great puzzle to piece, am baking, or am playing with my Seneti.  
    OK!  True confessions time!  I ENJOY shoveling snow!  It is slightly similar to mucking out the milk house after the cows have done their duty.  Slightly.  Thankfully the similarity parts at my olfactory nerve.  By the time I'm shoveling the storm has usually passed, the air is actually quite warm and clean and the hard work is invigorating.
Although the white style of snow does not leave a sweet taste in my mouth for the most part, the other Snow in my life has a very pleasant connotation.  In fact, I like it so much that it became the name of my firstborn son!  Down in Southern Utah just north of St. George, there is a State Park named, Snow's Canyon.  Yep!  Connections!  My dad's side has that name flowing in his blood.  
Grandma Afton is the oldest SNOW I know alive.  Now stooped with age, she still exudes her trademark SPUNK.  Grandma grew up in the days of the great depression.  She LIVES the jingle:  use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!  We are both the eldest sisters in our families, school teachers, duty bound, and even share the same body style.
Some memories I have are:  When Caroline was born, Shauna and I spent time at Grandma's house. She took us to Snow's Ranch Market and we talked her into getting us some long flowing silky scarves.  We raced around the ground packed basketball court singing from the top of our lungs, "Mamma's comin' home with a new baby sister!"  Even now the melody vividly rings out in my mind!  Over and over we sang as we danced with the scarves trailing behind us!  We did it so much that Uncle Steve and Uncle Wayne took us on wheelbarrow races to get us squealing about something else!
Grandma is scared to death of lightning.  It is rumored that she has been known to slide under the bed or hide under her blankets.  (This of course is when she was an adult!)
Grandma loves to plant geraniums.  She keeps a flower grow box along the length of her carport.  She has been an avid gardener in her back yard alongside Grandpa.  She has fruit trees and nut trees.  These are all things to enhance the family food supply from the farm.  She faithfully bottles fruit every year.  She always put pineapple in the bottom of each bottle of pears.  I've watched my uncles eat an entire quart of pears JUST to enjoy the treat at the bottom.  
One day I was at Grandma's house and most of my uncles and even my own father jumped on top of Grandma and wrestled her out of her chair to the ground.  I was SCARED spitless!  What was going on?  It turns out she had a charlie horse and they were just massaging her and trying to get her straightened out.
I'll NEVER forget the BUTTERMILK hugs!  Grandma says, "Just come here a minute.  Then she would get you in a tight squeeze!  I MEAN TIGHT!  She doesn't pussy foot around!  We could only slightly audible the key phrase, "Buttermilk," by the end which brought the hug to an abrupt halt.
If you need a bit of advice, Grandma has a tidbit of wisdom tucked up inside her head that comes popping out as a jingle, or verse (many learned from childhood.)  Grandma also had fun childhood books around (the kind that teach a moral along with a fun story).  The Pokey Little Puppy lived at Grandma's house and was read to me so many times that I had it memorized.  But that wasn't good enough!  I had to have her read it again. 
One time for Christmas, I finally found the perfect gift for Grandma.  It was a very small figurine of a little girl holding an ice cream cone.  It read:  "I love you MORE than ice cream."  That is  hard to do, seeing how Grandma loved ice cream, but it was how I felt and still do!  
Grandma has the best bag of blocks, and tinker toys.  She is a frugal shopper and buys things that will LAST!  You should check our her stash of "solid as a rock" - "metal" Tonka trucks - honestly built to span generations - EVEN THE HYDRAULICS! My kids now play with the very toys my dad played with as a kid!  
My favorite cups to drink out of are found in Grandma's southwest cupboard.  TIN - it makes cool feel COLD.  There is nothing like getting a cold drink of water in Grandma's tin cups. 
  Enter Grandma's Christmas Day BRUNCH:  Our family was always the LAST set of cousins to arrive to eat.  Grandma still had bacon, sausage, eggs, toast and juice available. Grandma's tree was always set up on her desk in the South window next to Grandpa's chair.  Real live - out of the drawer stockings were hung with a string and clothespins above the fireplace.  I'll never forget the year that Uncle Steve got a bunch of coal in his!  That was all it took for me to be whooped into shape!
  No matter what - Grandma cares about what is going on in our lives!  She takes time to listen!  She is proud of us!  She just plain loves us!
That's the Snow I love and always will!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

FOTU has . . .

     Fotu is our oldest son and first born.  We chose not to find out if he would be a boy or girl.  So, after a very hard labor and delivery and we learned we had a SON - that was the happiest news Sione has ever received!  He dropped the camera upon hearing the news (broke it) because he was so "seasick" (his own words) with happiness!

Fotu has . . . TRUE BLUE BLOOD!  
handsome features
boiling over laughter
perspective on life and living
pure all-around athletic talent 
superb spacial acuity
artistic brains
architectural acuity
music flowing from his soul
rhythm beating in his being
mathematical problem solving prowess
spot-on determination
Scout "with-it-ness"
Wisdom beyond his years
trumpet bugles (still sounding a bit sick-cowish this first year of learning - but POTENTIAL!)
easy to manage curls when hair is short
Big BROWN m & m eyes
observational awareness
spiritual strength
Truth amid hardship
Taken lots of blame
Polynesian Pride
Football moves
kindness for wee folks and the elderly
Honor for priesthood duties
Spirituality and a testimony of our Savior
Parents who loves him very much!
Thanks so much for being you!
Thanks for being a great example to our family!
Thanks for being brave enough to be FIRST!
You are our figure out parenthood kid!
We love you very much!
You are our TREASURE!

Christmas HAS . . . !

     A few years ago I happened upon a children's book that has become a dearly beloved favorite (along with at least a million others).  School has LEARN.  It is a creative twist on connections made using wordology.  
     Here is my take on Christmas has . . . :

Christmas has . . .
nativity plays
3 Kings - Wise Men
sleigh bells
Christmas Cards
candy canes
gift wrap
closed doors
sewing machine hums
snow - sometimes
family sleep "ins" by the Christmas Tree
flannel jammies
The Nutcracker
The Grinch
The 12 Days
The Tabernacle Choir
The Lights on Temple Square
The Three Ghosts
Bob Cratchet
The Gift of the Magi
The First Presidency Christmas Devotional
The Prophet Joseph Smith's Birthday Party
Brunch at Grandma's 
Blueberry Muffins with topping for breakfast
Cookies and milk left out for Santa
Our own stockings hanging on a sting by a clothespin
Hot cocoa with marshmallows
Nummy Munch
Peanut Brittle
Russian Tea (A non-alcoholic warm citric punch)
Elves watching
Santa - the spirit of love, generosity, and childhood wonder
Up on the Housetop
Must Be Santa
The Night Before Christmas

Couldn't this go on and on?
I'm very thankful for this time of year and the joys that Christmas brings!

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Bread of Life

Tonight I made bread for sandwiches to go in lunches tomorrow.  The whole wheat has such a nutty flavor!  Everyone in our family LOVES it!  It is hard to keep it around!  I was soooo thankful tonight that I could quickly throw together a batch while doing homework with kids and before Family Home Evening began.  My thanks runneth over for a mother who taught basic homemaking skills that are still with me and are being passed on to a new generation.   My children will undoubtedly have talents very few around them will have!  (Since, it is rare that I can find people my own age that know and foster these skills!)  
Litia enjoys cooking.  Some other chores are definitely NOT her favorites.  Kalina loves helping out any way she can, and cooking is a special favorite!  Fotu enjoys cooking, but would much rather have someone else do it for him.  We assure him that he can only eat when he contributes to the preparation in some way.  The Cooking Merit Badge was the easy byproduct of his newfound desire to help in the kitchen!  
Seneti already loves the feel of flour inside her fingers and making her own little rolls to put in the oven on a little tin.  She thinks she is already the master of the rolling pin, and although it is so hard to manage, she does very well.  A makes a mom burst into giggles while watching her manipulate the huge, heavy tool.  A little one would definitely be more up her alley.  That is something I did as a child with my mom!  Why didn't mom ever let on that our over floured rolls were as HARD AS A ROCK - LITERALLY?  Could it be for the very same reason that I allow my kids to create their own bread-granite masterpieces?  What could make a child more content or a mother more filled with chuckle?
Bread at Christmas!  A symbol of our Savior.  We reflect upon His pre-mortal experiences, His birth, His life, His mission, His gifts, His teachings, His Power, His example, His invitation, His kindness, His love, His obedience.  That is a lot to ponder!  That is a lot to be grateful for!  We need Him!  Let us make room for Him so we can be filled!

There's No Place Like HOME!

     Last night we were told that Robbie and Kathy's house had caught fire early on Saturday morning, but by the tender mercies of our Heavenly Father, was spared staying on fire.  We are so thankful that everyone made it out safe and sound!  We hope that they will continue to be blessed as they pick up the pieces.  A neighbor's house was on fire, and was a total loss.  No wind was blowing (as it usually is) and so, an entire neighborhood was spared!   
     Mom had just stated to me on the phone the day before that she was thankful that we each had a home and a place to call home (the farm).  
     Home - a word with so many memories and feelings!  Together!  Family!  Love, comfort, guidance, respect, joy, fun, caring, weathering of hardships, hard work, talents learned, jokes, silly, crazy, surprises, happiness.
     Home is as much a state of mind as it is a PLACE!  Home is as much a part of Christmas as anything else for me.  May we make sure that our homes are filled with the spirit of the Christ Child now and throughout the year!  

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sing ON - Choirs of Angels - Sing ON

Tonight, our family is anticipating the glorious, fill us up with Christmas Spirit, sounds of the Tabernacle Choir.  It is time of our annual First Presidency Christmas Devotional . . . a FAVORITE Christmas tradition at our home.  How dear to my heart is Christmas music!  Any flavor, variety, instrumentality, ability or vocal will be just fine for me!  There is still no sensation like being one voice smack dab in the middle of a choir as music envelops you!    
Christmas music is superb accompaniment to tiny dancing feet around our home.  Seneti was just twirling for all her little body was worth, in the same attire Shauna and I used to wear after church when we still lived in the little green house.  Petticoats are still very popular dancing outfits.  The only difference was that Dad's briefcase became our special stage!  Seneti just uses our little wooden bench.  Kalina enjoys getting down with Seneti and steps in stride with little sis to become her ballroom partner!  Could any of the moves be the inspiration of Christmas Around the World at BYU that Kalina got to attend on Friday with her 2nd grade class?  Undoubtedly!   Smiles and delight fill our home this afternoon because of the beautiful strains of Kurt Bestor, cranked up a wee bit too loud for a Sabbath, but who's listening but the Heavenly Choirs who wish they could join us!  
It has been so remarkable this past week to play along with Litia to beautiful Christmas Carols as her countermelody duet partner.  I never thought I'd be able to play music with my daughter so soon.  It has been delightful!  The violin and flute are making memories while making melodies this holiday!  
Fotu enjoys playing, Away in a Manger, and Joy to the World.  He continues to learn new songs and is doing very well on the piano.  I enjoy the homemade music produced here along the Slate Canyon foothills.  
I pay tribute to all musicians who have ever composed Christmas music!  Thanks for sharing your God-given talent so the rest of us can enjoy the peace and beauty that only music can provide!  Thanks to those who've authored words; so deep, so wondrous, so appropriate to make the meaning of Christmas music even more profound.  
Sing on - choirs of angels - sing on!  


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Let There Be LIGHT!

     Illumination!  What would we do without it?  Thank you, thank you, Thomas Eddison!  On Dec. 1, 2008 as we set up the Christmas Village, Litia - her busy self - placed orders of where things should go.  Kalina - her helpful self - asked where I thought things should go.  Fotu - his show up at the last minute, help a bit, and take credit for all the work self - did plug things in!  Seneti - her delight in all things new self - said, "WOW!" for the first time ever!  There is nothing like light as it penetrates the darkness.  Especially when that light bursts out from miniature porcelain structures in a tiny town blanketed with snow.  This year, Sione - his always make things better self - rearranged the furniture so that the Christmas Village could be shared at the front window.  The mirrored effect there has brought a stunning depth to the village at night.  All of us like to hang out where we can see the jolly twinkles as stories of what is happening there run around in our heads.  Not to mention our joy at arriving home, to welcome twinkles peering out at us.  Oh, the magic!
     Christmas - the Winter Festival of Lights.  The Light of the World.  A guiding STAR!  Babe, lying in a manger. The only begotten of the Father.  Full of grace and TRUTH!  Living!  Savior!  Redeemer!  Lord!  Thanks to thee for the atonement on our behalf so we can delight in life and living and become like thee someday!
     Mom, I could not answer your question for the Relief Society party until now!  What can I NOT live without . . .  LIGHT! 
Even everyday lights amaze me! 
Sun - breathtaking displays burst amid clouds of darkness (Our creator the supreme artist!)
Sunrise - fresh beginning revived
Sunset - day bathed in splendor
Christmas Lights - twinkling magic
Chandelier - dancing prisms bursting smiles
Oven Light - warmth of happy family or service minded
Reading Lamp - illumination of the soul
Night Light - security (Oh, how one little light penetrates the darkness!)
Computer Desktop - keeping touch with loved ones
Headlights - Sing your way home
Piano Light - a twice brightener (light allows music to be made)
Flashlight - scouting lifeline
Luminaries - memories of Uncle Walt's Dixie Christmas (White sacks in white snow in Provo just don't have the same effect.)
Lanterns - nostalgia of historic living
Candlelight - Non-flickering Readers became the likes of Abe and Joseph

Oh, may our homes be filled with His Light this glorious holiday season!


Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas - ALIVE and WELL

     This farm girl is filled with holiday nostalgia of yesteryear!  Kalina's homework was to interview me about favorite Christmas memories.  The interview lasted for hours.  I would love to have tallied the number of questions asked by the kids and the quick responses to my brain that had not surfaced forever!  These stories came alive last night - not a creature was stirring!  Oh, the POWER of STORY!  And there is nothing better than a TRUE one! 
     A cherished Christmas was the one before Robbie left on his mission.  He received gift after gift of mission import.  He had a stack bigger than any of the rest of us, but a drudge upon his face, a gludge exuding from body language, and Bah Humbug voiced about having to grow up.  Predicted presents were a DRAG!  How much more awful could the day be?  
     Robbie, the usual go-getter, was in NO HURRY to return to the farm after the holiday brunch at Grandma and Grandpa's.  There was nothing to go home and DO!  So, we didn't return to the farmhouse until mid afternoon.  That was when the large bow was spied tucked inside the tree.  Attached was a string of yarn and a note of invitation to follow the yarn whithersoever it trailed.  The ensuing extravaganza of trying to keep up with Robbie while he went ditch dodging, fence flying, and pasture parting was more fun and holds more memory than the now forgotten toys we received that day! 
      The milkhouse became the spot marking X for an ONLY IN MY DREAMS 22!  No sister was allowed to get close enough to the cherished gun to give any details about it, but I am a witness to the sheer humility of one older brother as he realized that Christmas was ALIVE and WELL!
     Another Christmas memory happened in our dear Pioneer Home of Provo while Dad received his higher education.  We had to have been POOR, but Mom and Dad didn't let on.  Margaret (our Canadian Mary Poppins) and Albert (her Famous Canadian Hockey-star Husband) became our holiday angels!  No detail of a wonderful holiday spirit or tradition was left unturned!  We rode in their empty shell, carpeted interior van all the way to Temple Square to see the lights.  These sweet Canadian Christians were attending BYU with Dad and had arrived in Provo because of "divine providence!" (Their exact words.)  They wanted to witness the tradition of a Utah Christmas, and saw to it that we were allowed to come along for the ride. A perfect Christmas dinner at their small apartment along with a HUGE bag of Christmas surprises at our doorstep on Christmas Eve were portions of their good deeds.  As a recipient of someone's love and care, I know that true Christianity packs a powerful impact.  I will always love the Murray's!  Christmas was ALIVE and WELL!
     May I continue the tradition of a Christmas that is ALIVE and WELL!