Saturday, December 6, 2008

Let There Be LIGHT!

     Illumination!  What would we do without it?  Thank you, thank you, Thomas Eddison!  On Dec. 1, 2008 as we set up the Christmas Village, Litia - her busy self - placed orders of where things should go.  Kalina - her helpful self - asked where I thought things should go.  Fotu - his show up at the last minute, help a bit, and take credit for all the work self - did plug things in!  Seneti - her delight in all things new self - said, "WOW!" for the first time ever!  There is nothing like light as it penetrates the darkness.  Especially when that light bursts out from miniature porcelain structures in a tiny town blanketed with snow.  This year, Sione - his always make things better self - rearranged the furniture so that the Christmas Village could be shared at the front window.  The mirrored effect there has brought a stunning depth to the village at night.  All of us like to hang out where we can see the jolly twinkles as stories of what is happening there run around in our heads.  Not to mention our joy at arriving home, to welcome twinkles peering out at us.  Oh, the magic!
     Christmas - the Winter Festival of Lights.  The Light of the World.  A guiding STAR!  Babe, lying in a manger. The only begotten of the Father.  Full of grace and TRUTH!  Living!  Savior!  Redeemer!  Lord!  Thanks to thee for the atonement on our behalf so we can delight in life and living and become like thee someday!
     Mom, I could not answer your question for the Relief Society party until now!  What can I NOT live without . . .  LIGHT! 
Even everyday lights amaze me! 
Sun - breathtaking displays burst amid clouds of darkness (Our creator the supreme artist!)
Sunrise - fresh beginning revived
Sunset - day bathed in splendor
Christmas Lights - twinkling magic
Chandelier - dancing prisms bursting smiles
Oven Light - warmth of happy family or service minded
Reading Lamp - illumination of the soul
Night Light - security (Oh, how one little light penetrates the darkness!)
Computer Desktop - keeping touch with loved ones
Headlights - Sing your way home
Piano Light - a twice brightener (light allows music to be made)
Flashlight - scouting lifeline
Luminaries - memories of Uncle Walt's Dixie Christmas (White sacks in white snow in Provo just don't have the same effect.)
Lanterns - nostalgia of historic living
Candlelight - Non-flickering Readers became the likes of Abe and Joseph

Oh, may our homes be filled with His Light this glorious holiday season!


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