It could only have been yesterday that I held the most beautiful, 'little' (by our family standards) bundle of joy in my arms as I gazed in awe out the DIXIE hospital window right through a pink popping blossom-bursting tree with the celestial white Temple as the background. I was overcome by the miracle of such perfectness all buttoned up in miniature, when Sione and Fotu the sporting Dad and Son duet came sauntering in for Fotu to catch the first view of his sister and pass out red roses to their favorite girls! Now if that didn't bring tears? I don't know what would! All dressed up and handsome! My Fotu became a little man that very moment I think! I had never seen him look so BIG - or handsome!
It has been said that we write to taste life twice. I don't think I've even thought of this event of our guys with their roses for many years, until right now when I was reflecting on those first hours with our new Liti Lady-bug.
She was and still is such a beauty. I could gaze into her large dark eyes, framed in long dark lashes for hours on end. Her dark curly hair was precious and easy to make perfect. Oh, how fun it was to have a bow in her hair! Litia hummed. She always had a little song going on. I couldn't get over her dainty details and petite profile. I don't know what I was thinking, but I had been imagining that she would be a lot like Fotu. How could that even be possible? Each precious spirit comes from Heaven with their own personality. I guess I just thought that my kids would be a lot alike. (Now why I would think that is a bit crazy since my own siblings - all 10 of us - are no more exactly the same than the cow jumping over the moon.)
As a few months grew on Litia, I realized that she is a cookie cutter mold of her father. One afternoon Sione and Litia were stretched out sleeping on a quilt on the carpet. Their bodies were in the same pose. One so large, and one so dainty. Yet, feature for feature, they were SO SIMILAR, one masculine, one feminine! Long backs, long legs, long fingers, full lips, large eyes, long lashes, and cute full noses. It is in a moment like this that heaven touches earth and you KNOW that we are created in the image of a loving Heavenly Father and Mother. We belong! We have a place! We KNOW who we are! Creation is a miracle of blessings and joy!
Litia, as you have now completed your 10th year on this earth, I want you to know how much I love you! You are beautiful inside and out. You have been blessed with the gift of music that sings around inside you and has to find a way out. You have been given very athletic abilities. You have a keen mind and sharp whit. You enjoy learning new things and trying out new experiences. We are so glad that you are a member of our family! WE LOVE YOU and are glad that you are part of our family here on earth!
Keep choosing great experiences and friends. Keep doing well in school and with your violin. Do those things that are right and make you TRUELY HAPPY! We are glad that you've been in our family during this decade. Just think - in the next 10 years there will be many different experiences. You will most likely be on your own and although still a part of our family, on your own. Wow! That is what makes me want to whisper - hold on! However, we are on this ride of life together, so I will still say, "Hold On!" - but mean it this way: Hold on to all that is good and right. Hold on to good friends and wonderful traditions. Hold on to the incredible memories we have made together. Hold on to your testimony! Hold on to your brother and sisters! Hold on to your happiness, joy, peace and contentment! Hold on to being the best you, you can ever be!
Lots of love for many 10's to come! Hold ON!
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