First, we invite a family to share the occasion with us and give them the invitation to begin doing something like this in their own home. When they arrive at our home we have a frontier meal using a karosine lantern for light. Our meal last evening was beef stew with cornbread and or homemade rolls. We had milk or water to drink. Simple. Tasty. Filling.
Next we gather in a circle and sing a hymn about the restoration and have an opening prayer. Then each person tells some facts or a story about the Prophet's life. I have come to notice and realize in my own life and experiences that there is NEVER a time when testimony is shared about the Prophet Joseph that the spirit does not abound in great abundance! Watch this for yourself! Truth. Inspiring. Wonderful.
Kalina told how Joseph loved to play sports and would often stop to play with a group of boys playing baseball. When it was his turn to bat, he would hit the ball so far that they would tease, "We'll just be getting our supper while you find the ball!" She also reminded us of the group of teenage boys that were at the end of their game and tired from playing ball. The prophet invited them to join him in building a house for a widow. The happily went off to work WITH him.
Maia told how he translated the gold plates into The Book of Mormon.
Fotu told a story about Porter Rockwell. He was fishing down by a steam and some older boys came by on horseback and took his fishing pole. It started a tuffle. The Prophet (still a boy, but a little older than Porter) helped work out the entire situation by having Porter side with him and win the fishing pole back by doing a stick pull. The prophet didn't often loose at that!
Kiki gave us facts about his life. He accomplished so many things in such a short life!
Bro. Roos said that Joseph is proof that the heavens are open. That Heavenly Father knows each of us. That He is our Father and loves us. He told us how he loved that Joseph had the courage to followed through and DO what was expected of him, although he wasn't perfect!
Sis. Roos told us that three in the room were going on 14 soon. She reminded us that Joseph was seeking truth on his OWN. She commented about the great faith it took to put the scripture in James to the test. After all, she has worked with the youth for a while and wondered how many use prayer as a source to obtain answers!
Tia Mariana told the facts about the last days and moments in Carthage. We know the event was horrific! We know the Prophet had knowledge of the outcome. We know the Lord spared the life of John Taylor when the bullet struck his pocket watch and he lived to become a future prophet.
Litia told about the children in our family history living in Nauvoo. The older brother called his little sister a "little fool," and pushed her in the mud. The prophet came by, helped her up, got her cleaned off, and sat her on his horse. Then he said, "Missy, you're not a little fool are you?"
I spoke of Emma. I am reminded that we are never to be her judge. We talked about her education, her help, her willingness to do what was required, her hardships. We talked of the children Emma and Joseph had together and how many of them didn't make it in this life. We are so thankful for the knowledge that they will get to raise those dear children in the next life.
Sione is the height and weight of the Prophet. He was no little man! He used his muscle and brain power on many occasions to keep the plates safe. Sione also reminded us that the plates were never given to Joseph until he brought the right person with him. That person ended up being Emma. He also reminded us that heaven expected Joseph's very best in taking care of the sacred manuscript, however, when the occasion was too unsafe, at times an angel would come and retrieve the record, and return it when things were better.
To complete the evening, we have a stick pulling contest, a leg wrestling competition, arm wrestling competition and then eat cake and ice cream. Since we have broken too many brooms over the years, we now have a very thick stick saved just for this occasion.
It is so nice to stop the hustle and bustle of the season and do something that reminds us of things that matter most!
Happy 203 Bro. Joseph! We are thankful to you! We honor the life you lead! Thanks for being willing to do what it took to be the prophet of the restoration!
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